Friday, October 28, 2011


While this is the support page for my websites it has now turned into a support page for our beautiful kitty Nicky.

If you are here you are either a reader of my sites or you have come to help get our kitty the proper medical care he deserves.

Either way we thank you from the bottom of our hearts and we will keep you updated on his progress.

We started a new Facebook page called NICKY'S LAW...that is where you will find updates on him and our future efforts to make sure a law gets passed that:

1) Prevents vets from denying full emergency treatment to animals in dire need because of an owner's inability to pay the entire cost upfront.

2) A law that changes the way PET INSURANCE works. With pet insurance you pay a monthly premium, have to meet a deductible and yet you STILL HAVE TO PAY EVERYTHING OUT OF POCKET and then wait for a portion of it to be sent back in a reimbursement check week's later.

So if you do not have the upfront cash it makes the pet insurance virtually useless unless you find a sliding scale fee vet or one that will do it it pro bono until the insurance pays- we have yet to find a vet like that in San Diego.

So again THANK YOU SO MUCH for helping us help our sick kitty and if you are here just because you read my sites thanks to you all as well.

October 2011